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Statement of Purpose

I create music for the purpose of spreading the light and power of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in the world. 

     Rebbe Nachman teaches us that the ultimate purpose of each individual is prayer, particularly personal heartfelt prayer to G-d. The simple act of speaking to G-d as if one were speaking to a good friend (hitbodedut) can effect big changes in the world, activate rectifications in all worlds and ultimately bring the final redemption. All wrongs can be corrected and all of one's lacks can be fulfilled through this no matter who and where a person may be. Even a person who finds himself in the lowest places of existence can lift himself out of his darkness through this.

     However singing to G-d is the ultimate way to pray and can lift one’s soul and life to the highest attainable levels. This was the very technique used by all the prophets and truly great and holy people of the past, and is now still the best and highest way to attach to G-d. It is my hope that these songs and melodies will be a gateway for you to lift your heart to G-d and be inspired to sing your own prayers as well.

Outpouring and revival of the soul. rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Nanach

Recommended Buy 

I receive no money for this from the seller. Just want to share a good thing.

This book contains everything the other book contains.


Recommended Buy

Outpouring of the Soul

translated by Aryeh Kaplan. 96 pages.

I receive no money for this from the seller. Just want to share a good thing.

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